"I really enjoy taking this time “to be quiet, relax, and focus on body and spirit"


“I come out of her class feeling good all over! Muscles, joints, nerves, my sense of balance. I love learning about healthy breathing practices. I believe this is the most important key to a successful Tai Chi practice."


CoVid19 offering Tai Chi/QiGong classes for Parkinson's Online Monday's 1:00pm & Wednesday's 11:30am  (Eastern Time). 

To register send an email to:  taichi.janea@gmail.com


Moving Easy

Moving Easy  provides a safe, stress free, relaxing environment to work on balance, flexibility, and fluidity. We offer Tai Chi classes adapted for people living with Parkinson’s, Dystonia, and other movement disorders. An article in the New York Times, references a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (Feb 2012), that quantifies the impact of Tai Chi on people living with Parkinson's.  

Moving the body is critical for mind, body, and emotional well-being. Whether your are sitting or standing,  Tai Chi enriches your quality of life, and adds stability to your movement. In addition to classes, we also offer workshops and special programs for our students.

Whether through the natural aging process or a diagnosis such as Parkinson’s, rigidity, muscle weakness and balance concerns limit movement.  Moving Easy  offers classes where you can maintain and restore fluidity, strength and stability.  

Moving Easy  provides a safe environment. The emphasis is on gentle movement at a comfortable pace, allowing you to explore what is possible in the moment. Classes begin and end with quiet meditation and with an appreciation for what the body can do.


Watch some of a class and listen to Moving Easy students share their experience:  http://youtu.be/9UqDvMDzb9k